divided square solution

Solution to the Divided Square Puzzle

Divided Square

The diagonal of the square has been divided into three sections of length 44. What’s the total shaded area?

Solution by Area of a Triangle and Vertically Opposite Angles

Divided square labelled

With the points labelled as above, consider first triangle ABEA B E. The length of EBE B is given as 44. The height of AEA E above EBE B is the length of AOA O, which is half a diameter and so is 66. Therefore the area of triangle ABEA B E is 1212.

Since EE is 23\frac{2}{3}rds of the way along DBD B, EE is also 23\frac{2}{3}rds of the way along AIA I, so EIE I is half the length of AEA E. As angles OE^IO \hat{E} I and AE^BA \hat{E} B are equal, since they are vertically opposite, the height of II above EFE F is then half the height of AA above BEB E, so the area of EIFE I F is half that of ABEA B E, so is 66.

The line HGH G is vertical through EE, and so as EE is the midpoint of FBF B, GG is the midpoint of FIF I. This means that triangle EHFE H F has half the area of triangle EIFE I F, so has area 33. Then angles DF^JD \hat{F} J and EF^HE \hat{F} H are equal as they are vertically opposite and DJD J is parallel to EHE H and DFD F and FEF E are the same length, so triangles DFJD F J and EFHE F H are congruent. Hence triangle DFJD F J has area 33.

The shaded region therefore has area 12+6+3=2112 + 6 + 3 = 21.