circles resting on triangles solution

Circles Resting on Triangles

Circles Resting on Triangles

Two semicircles are balanced on these three identical triangles. What’s the missing area?

Solution by Lengths in an Isosceles Right-Angled Triangle, Angles in a Triangle, and Angles at a Point on a Straight Line

Circles resting on triangles labelled

The triangles are identical and ABCDA B C D is a straight line, so angles FB^AF \hat{B} A and CB^FC \hat{B} F are the same and add to 180 180^\circ, hence both are right-angles. Then angles FC^BF \hat{C} B and DC^ED \hat{C} E are equal to the non-right-angles, so since the angles in a triangle add up to 180 180^\circ, these must add up to 90 90^\circ. This leaves 90 90^\circ for angle EC^FE \hat{C} F. Since FCF C and ECE C are the same length, triangle FCEF C E is therefore an isosceles right-angled triangle. The length of FEF E is then 2\sqrt{2} times that of FCF C and so the length scale factor from the dark blue semi-circle to the cyan one is 2\sqrt{2}. The area scale factor is thus 22 and so the area of the cyan semi-circle is 2828.