chords dividing a triangle into five solution

Solution to the Chords Dividing a Triangle into Five Puzzle

Chords Dividing a Triangle into Five

A triangle is divided into five parts by chords of the circle. What’s the total area of the triangle?

Solution by the Intersecting Chords Theorem

Chords dividing a triangle into five labelled

With the points labelled as above, the intersecting chords theorem shows that triangles CBDC B D and CEAC E A are similar, with DD corresponding to AA and BB to EE. It also shows that triangles FDBF D B and FAEF A E are also similar, also with DD corresponding to AA and BB to EE. Since both pairs of similar triangles share the sides BDB D and EAE A, and for both pairs these sides are corresponding, the scale factor from CBDC B D to CEAC E A is the same as that from FDBF D B to FAEF A E. The area scale factor from FDBF D B to FAEF A E is 55, so this is also the area scale factor from CBDC B D to CEAC E A. The total area of the triangle is thus 3535.