angles in a circle solution

Solution to the Angles in a Circle Puzzle

Angles in a Circle

What’s the sum of the three marked angles?

Solution by Angles in the Same Segment, Angles in a Cyclic Quadrilateral, Angles at a Point on a Line, and Angles in a Triangle

Angles in a circle labelled

With the points labelled as above, angles EA^GE \hat{A} G and EB^GE \hat{B} G are equal as they are angles in the same segment. Then angles AE^DA \hat{E} D and DC^AD \hat{C} A add up to 180 180^\circ as they are opposite angles in a cyclic quadrilateral. Angles FE^AF \hat{E} A and AE^DA \hat{E} D add up to 180 180^\circ since the are angles at a point on a line. Putting these last together shows that angles FE^AF \hat{E} A and DC^AD \hat{C} A are equal. Therefore the three angles in the triangle FAEF A E are each equal to one of the marked angles, so the sum of the three marked angles is 180 180^\circ as that is the sum of the angles in a triangle.