a square and a rectangle overlapping solution

A Square and a Rectangle Overlapping

A Square and a Rectangle Overlapping

75%75\% of the purple square is shaded. What percentage of the red rectangle is shaded?

Solution by Pythagoras' Theorem and Area of a Triangle and Rectangles

A square and a rectangle overlapping labelled

With the points labelled as above, the fact that 75%75\% of the purple square is shaded means that the length of CDC D is one quarter of the length of ADA D. Since the purple quadrilateral is a square, EDE D is the same length as ADA D. Let xx be the length of CDC D, so EDE D has length 4x4 x. Applying Pythagoras' theorem to triangle EDCE D C shows that the length of ECE C is 17x\sqrt{17} x. The ratios of the sides of triangle EDCE D C is therefore 1:4:171 : 4 : \sqrt{17}.

Triangles CBAC B A and CDEC D E are both right-angled triangles and angles AC^BA \hat{C} B and DC^ED \hat{C} E are equal as they are vertically opposite so triangles CBAC B A and CDEC D E are similar. As the length of CAC A is 3x3 x, the lengths of triangle CBAC B A are 317x\frac{3}{\sqrt{17}} x, 1217x\frac{12}{\sqrt{17}}x, and 3x3x. The length of EBE B is therefore 17x+317x=2017x\sqrt{17} x + \frac{3}{\sqrt{17}}x = \frac{20}{\sqrt{17}} x.

The ratio of the lengths of CBC B and EBE B is therefore 3:203 : 20 and so the percentage of the red rectangle that is shaded is 85%85\%.