a rectangle in a square solution

Solution to the Rectangle in a Square Puzzle

A Rectangle in a Square

The blue rectangle covers half of the square’s area. What’s the angle?

Solution by Angle at the Centre is Twice the Angle at the Circumference and Pythagoras' Theorem

A rectangle in a square labelled

In the above diagram, the line segment OKO K is vertical and passes through JJ, while OIO I is horizontal and passes through HH. The line segment DBD B is at 45 45^\circ to the horizontal and vertical, so the line segments JFJ F and HFH F have the same length and this establishes OHFJO H F J as a square. The circle has centre OO and passes through HH, then since OHO H and OJO J have the same length, it also passes through JJ.

To see that it also passes through AA, consider the line segment OAO A. Using Pythagoras' theorem, the square of the length of OAO A is the same as the sum of the squares of the lengths of EHE H and GJG J.

The blue rectangle occupies half of the area of the square. By reflecting in the line DBD B, it can be seen that the region AEHOJGA E H O J G matches CIHFJKC I H F J K. Therefore, the central square OHFJO H F J must have the same area as the two squares EBIHE B I H and GJKDG J K D. This means that the squares of the lengths of EHE H and GJG J is equal to the square of the length of OHO H, and hence OAO A has the same length as OHO H. Therefore AA lies on the circle.

The angle HO^JH \hat{O} J is a right-angle, and OO is the centre of the circle, so by the result that the angle at the centre is twice the angle at the circumference, angle HA^JH \hat{A} J is 45 45^\circ.

Solution by Invariance Principle

A rectangle in a square special case

The point GG can move providing the area of the rectangle remains half of the area of the square. It can therefore move so that it lies on the edge CBC B, at which point it must be the midpoint of that edge. The point FF then coincides with BB (and EE) and the intersection of DBD B with the edge IGI G is its midpoint, which is the centre of the square. The line AHA H is therefore the other diagonal and so angle HA^FH \hat{A} F is 45 45^\circ.