three triangles and a rectangle inside a circle solution

Solution to the Three Triangles and a Rectangle Inside a Circle Puzzle

Three Triangles and a Rectangle Inside a Circle

Three equilateral triangles and a rectangle are stacked up inside this circle. What’s the angle?

Solution by Symmetry and Angle in a Semi-Circle

Three triangles and a rectangle inside a circle labelled

In the diagram above, the vertical line through the midpoint of chord BCB C passes through the centre of the circle. It is therefore a line of symmetry? of both the circle and the central equilateral triangle. Since the points AA and DD depend on the circle and the central equilateral triangle, reflecting in the vertical line swaps AA and DD and so in particular the line joining AA to DD is the continuation of their horizontal sides. This establishes angle DA^ED \hat{A} E as a right-angle, and so EAE A is a diameter of the circle since the angle in a semi-circle is a right-angle. By the same result, angle ED^FE \hat{D} F is then also a right-angle.