three congruent triangles solution

Solution to the Three Congruent Triangles

Posted on Oct 29, 2019

Three Congruent Triangles

Three congruent triangles. The black line bisects the top angle. What angle does this line make with the horizontal?

Solution by Angle at the Centre is Twice the Angle at the Circumference, Equilateral Triangles, Angles in a Triangle

Three congruent triangles with a circle

Let the points be labelled as above. Since the triangles are congruent, and AGCA G C is a straight line (as an edge of the upper triangle), angles CG^EC \hat{G} E and EG^AE \hat{G} A are both right-angles. Then angle CB^AC \hat{B} A is also a right-angle, and so since EBE B bisects? angle CB^AC \hat{B} A, angle EB^A=45 E \hat{B} A = 45^\circ. Also, as the triangles are congruent, EGE G, GAG A, and ABA B all have the same length.

Draw a circle with centre GG that passes through EE. Then it must also pass through AA. Since angle EB^AE \hat{B} A is half of angle EG^AE \hat{G} A, by the converse to the result that the angle at the centre is twice the angle at the circumference, BB must lie on the circle. Therefore, BGB G has the same length as AGA G.

Since also ABA B has that same length, triangle ABGA B G is equilateral and so angle BA^H=60 B \hat{A} H = 60^\circ. Then since angle HB^A=45 H \hat{B} A = 45^\circ, angle BH^A=180 60 45 =75 B \hat{H} A = 180^\circ - 60^\circ - 45^\circ = 75^\circ and so angle EH^A=105 E \hat{H} A = 105^\circ.

Solution by Similar Triangles, Isosceles Triangles, and Vertically Opposite Angles

Three congruent triangles with similarity

In the picture above, JJ is the midpoint of AEA E, and II is where GJG J meets EBE B. As in the previous argument, GEG E, GAG A, and ABA B all have the same length.

Since GJG J bisects? angle EG^AE \hat{G} A, angle IG^HI \hat{G} H is equal to angle HB^AH \hat{B} A. Angles GH^IG \hat{H} I and BH^AB \hat{H} A are vertically opposite. Therefore triangles GHIG H I and BHAB H A are similar, with vertices corresponding as listed.

This means that the ratios of the lengths of HI:HAH I : H A and of GH:HBG H : H B are the same. Since also angles IH^AI \hat{H} A and GH^BG \hat{H} B are equal, triangles GHBG H B and IHAI H A are also similar. Therefore, angle GB^HG \hat{B} H is equal to angle HA^IH \hat{A} I. Then since both triangles EGAE G A and EIAE I A are isosceles, angles GA^IG \hat{A} I and GE^IG \hat{E} I are equal. Therefore, angles GE^HG \hat{E} H and GB^HG \hat{B} H are also equal. This means that triangle EGBE G B is also isosceles, and so GBG B has the same length as GEG E.

Therefore, triangle GBAG B A is equilateral. Then, as above, angle BA^H=60 B \hat{A} H = 60^\circ. Since angle HB^A=45 H \hat{B} A = 45^\circ, angle BH^A=180 60 45 =75 B \hat{H} A = 180^\circ - 60^\circ - 45^\circ = 75^\circ and so angle EH^A=105 E \hat{H} A = 105^\circ.