

A pentagon is a polygon with five sides.

Regular Pentagon

Lengths and Angles in a Regular Pentagon

Regular pentagon

The exterior angle of a regular pentagon is 360 5=72 \frac{360^\circ}{5} = 72^\circ, so the interior angle is 180 72 =108 180^\circ - 72^\circ = 108^\circ.

With the points labelled as in the above diagram, this means that triangle ABEA B E is an isosceles triangle with apex angle 108 108^\circ so its base angles are 180 108 2=36 \frac{180^\circ - 108^\circ}{2} = 36^\circ. Therefore, angles BA^FB \hat{A} F and JA^EJ \hat{A} E are both 36 36^\circ, meaning that angle FA^J=108 2×36 =36 F \hat{A} J = 108^\circ - 2 \times 36^\circ = 36^\circ. So triangle AFJA F J is also isosceles with base angles 180 36 2=72 \frac{180^\circ - 36^\circ}{2} = 72^\circ.

Triangle ACDA C D is also isosceles with angles 36 36^\circ, 72 72^\circ, and 72 72^\circ. Then triangle ABJA B J has angles JB^A=36 J \hat{B} A = 36^\circ, BA^J=108 36 =72 B \hat{A} J = 108^\circ - 36^\circ = 72^\circ, and angle AJ^B=72 A \hat{J} B = 72^\circ so is also isosceles. These three triangles are therefore all similar, and the scale factors are such that the short side of ACDA C D has the same length as the long sides of ABJA B J, and the short side of ABJA B J has the same length as the long sides of AFJA F J.

Let aa be the length of FJF J, and let ϕ\phi be the length scale factor? from AFJA F J to BJAB J A, so then AFA F has length ϕa\phi a, and ABA B has length ϕ 2a\phi^2 a. Since ABJA B J is isosceles, ABA B and BJB J have the same length, and this is equal to the lengths of BFB F and FJF J which is ϕa+a\phi a + a. Hence ϕ 2a=pha+a\phi^2 a = \ph a + a, or equivalently ϕ 2=ϕ+1\phi^2 = \phi + 1. Together with the condition that ϕ>1\phi \gt 1, this establishes ϕ\phi as the golden ratio?.

Now consider the two radii of the pentagon: the radius of the incircle? and the circumcircle, equivalently the lengths of OLO L and ODO D. Write these as rr and RR, respectively. Let bb be the side length of the pentagon. Viewing CDC D as the base of triangle CDOC D O, its area is 12br\frac{1}{2} b r. Viewing ODO D as its base, its height is half the length of CEC E which is ϕb\phi b so its area is 14ϕbR\frac{1}{4} \phi b R. Equating these establishes that 2r=ϕR2 r = \phi R.

Lastly, the total height of the pentagon, which is the length of ALA L, relates to the side length via Pythagoras' theorem applied to the triangle ALCA L C. The length of CLC L is half a side-length, 12b\frac{1}{2} b, and the length of ACA C is ϕb\phi b. So ALA L has length:

(ϕb) 2(12b) 2=b24ϕ 21=b4ϕ+32 \sqrt{ (\phi b)^2 - \left(\frac{1}{2} b\right)^2} = \frac{b}{2} \sqrt{4 \phi^2 - 1} = b \frac{\sqrt{ 4\phi + 3}}{2}